Monday, November 13, 2017


The door creaked, I did try not to make that creepy door sound but it still did. I tip-toed into the room balancing the coffee tray in my hand. The floor was all mess - melted ice, nutella stained sheets, clothes lying around. Slowly, steadily and carefully, I reached the side table balancing the tray and not making any more sound. Quickly placing the tray on the side table, I sat on the edge of the bed - gazing at the sleeping beauty. A strand of hair fell on her face, I quickly moved it back to reveal the beautiful face. Although it wasn’t hindering her beauty, nothing could ever do. The gloomy line of turmoil had disappeared from her face. Eyelids closed against the sun rays to block any and every thing entering into the panorama of her dreams. Every single muscle of her face and body was relaxed. Neither a twitch nor a spasm, barely any movement of her breasts rising and falling with each intake of air was the depth of her stupor.

 Choked with emotions, I rolled my fingers on her cheeks. I want to say sorry to you, but I knew it won't be enough for my actions. I always took you for granted. I screamed on you, I snapped at you, I abused you, fought with you, did every wrong thing - knowingly-unknowingly that would hurt you. I now realize such a moron I was. Every time I was upset, annoyed, frustrated, mortified I always vented out on you. I always raised questions at you, argued with you, disapproved with you. You should never be blamed if you had ever retaliate. If any of this would have happened to me, I would have broke down to hell. But you always stood there for me. Thank you for being the Captain America's shield in my life and absorb all my inconsiderate, thoughtless insensitive and mean behavior.

I want to lean forward kiss on her forehead and say sorry, but when I leaned forward all I could utter was - 'Love You Sweetheart, Good Morning'